Improve your dispute resolution experience

RESOLVE disputes faster and easier than ever before

From 2019 to 2024 payment disputes in the US have increased 49%1, cutting into revenue merchants work so hard to generate

Along with the meteoric rise of ecommerce transactions has come a corresponding rise in disputes. This has created a frustrating reality that leaves merchants unable to accurately account for earnings while increasingly overburdened by the time it takes to resolve and manage chargebacks that often cost more than the value of the initial transaction to fight. 


the average cost to resolve a single chargeback2

24 days

the average amount of time it takes  to resolve a chargeback3

1 second

the amount of time it takes to resolve inquires in pre-dispute with RDR4

Verifi’s RESOLVE solution suite empowers merchants to automatically intercept disputes at the pre-dispute stage, before a chargeback is initiated. Merchants have the choice to resolve the pre-dispute by providing the cardholder a credit or proceed with the traditional chargeback process. 

Pre-dispute resolution eliminates disputes with low recovery rates, avoids over-refunding and false positives, and enhances dispute reconciliation with adaptable reporting to alleviate the expense and operational burden disputes place on merchants. 

To learn more about how to lower your dispute volumes, optimize prevention tools, and protect revenue, contact us or check out Verifi’s free educational tools: 

WEBINAR: Disrupting Disputes’ Downstream Effects


In our Verifi+ Session, chargeback experts will share best practices for combatting disputes and how you can prevent the negative downstream effects that can even impact your ability to process payments.

Watch Now

2024 Global Fraud & Payments Report

2024 Fraud Report

In it you’ll find:

  • The scale and type of fraud seen in the global marketplace.
  • How fraud changes based on the size of the business.
  • A robust set of performance benchmarks that merchants can use to help optimize their fraud management and prevention practices. 

Download Here


1 VisaNet Data, United States, all card types, January 2019 to November 2024 

2Verifi’s 2024 Global Fraud & Payments Report 

3VCR, 2018 

4Verifi Internal Reporting 

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