Enablement Partners
Complement Your Technology and
Drive New Revenue

Diversify Your Services by Enabling Dispute Management
Verifi’s Total Dispute Management Solutions will complement your services, increase the value and stickiness of your solution, and generate net new revenue from your existing customers.
What Products Can I Enable?
Prevent disputes by connecting merchants to issuers providing customers with enhanced transaction detail in real-time, at point of inquiry to clarify confusion and prevent disputes.
Resolve pre-disputes before they become chargebacks to better manage payment risk and reduce fees.
Access Visa fraud and dispute notifications to enhance business operations with link analysis, fraud modeling, and fraud trending analysis.
Integration Options
Verifi is flexible to your integration needs offering different participation options crossing API, Batch, and Web Portal Experiences. Our business operations team will work with you to identify the best path forward to activate your coverage with the Verifi product suite.