We have received your request. In a moment, you should receive an email from Verifi containing the document you requested.

In the interim, here are some additional links and resources you can use to protect your CNP revenue

  • Stop chargebacks before they hurt your bottom line or your banking relationships with Cardholder Dispute Resolution Network®
  • Recapture lost revenue and decrease your operating costs with Chargeback Representment Management Services
  • Improve customer retention, long term value and increase billing authorizations with Decline Salvage
  • Reduce risk and increase profitability with our multi-tenant Global Payment Gateway
  • Use the Verifi single platform Intelligence Suite that offers the best risk management systems on the market


  • New Verifi white paper: What are chargebacks really costing you?
  • Stop chargebacks before they hurt your bottom line or your banking relationships with Cardholder Dispute Resolution Network®
  • Recapture lost revenue and decrease your operating costs with Chargeback Representment Management Services


  • Improve customer retention, long term value and increase billing authorizations with Decline Salvage


  • Reduce risk and increase profitability with our multi-tenant Global Payment Gateway
  • Use our single platform Intelligence Suite that offers the best risk management systems on the market

If you’d like to talk to someone right away, here’s our contact information:

Main Phone: (323) 655-5789
Email Address: info@verifi.com