Parcelado installment disputes now supported in Brazil
A large percentage of transactions in Brazil and other Latin American regions are installment payments, referred to as “parcelado”. In the April 2023 release, greater support will be offered for Rapid Dispute Resolution (RDR) pre-disputes that are raised from this payment method.
Visa-participating acquirers will now be able to offer merchants reporting and insights, as a new VROL financial ID value of “R” will be generated for RDR-resolved pre-disputes.
Announced in October 2022, Verifi RDR was activated for 100% of issuers in the Latin America region. Verifi and Visa are committed to continuing to work with the regions where coverage can grow.
Merchants looking to accept RDR pre-dispute cases in Brazil or other Latin American regions can modify their existing rules, like issuer BIN, currency type, or currency amount by contacting the Verifi Client Support team.