Affiliate Marketing and Click Fraud

Determining how to stand out in the crowded online marketplace can be a great challenge for merchants. Traditional methods of advertising and marketing may no longer be relevant, forcing merchants to get creative and proactive. Instead of looking to newspapers, magazines, and television for marketing and advertising, merchants are using online ads, paid articles, social […]

You’ve Received a Chargeback – Now What?

So, you’ve received a chargeback—this is good news. Yes, good news—if you choose to see it that way. Essentially, it means that there is room for improvement in your business. It’s an opportunity for growth! Seriously, there really isn’t much better information for a merchant than learning they have a chance to make changes that […]

Understanding Who Is Involved in the Chargeback Process

The chargeback process can be an overwhelming experience. For many merchants, particularly those new to e-commerce and CNP sales, it would be easy to get quickly submerged in chargeback information overload. The primary focus of this blog is to provide education on some of the finer points of the chargeback process, including chargeback representment, reason […]

Best Practices for Chargeback Representment

Chargebacks shouldn’t be a make-or-break dilemma for merchants. Understanding the salient facts of how to fight chargeback fraud, merchants can successfully navigate the representment process. Many merchants believe that it’s impossible to win a chargeback representment, but with some good advice and then acting on strategic decisions, you can be successful. Everyone involved in the […]

Fraud on the rise: can technology save us?

With the global cost of chargebacks mounting for consumers, banks and merchants alike, Alice Bonasio argues that we need innovation to fight back Online fraud is now the most commonly experienced crime in England and Wales, according to a report published by the UK National Audit Office (NAO). Up to 1.9 million cyber-related fraud incidents […]

Internet of Things – Boosting Your Fraud Protection

When the Internet of Things (IoT) was barely a whisper, analysts were already considering the impacts this technological breakthrough would have on our daily lives. In 2013, the Gartner Group predicted that by 2020 there would be over 26 billion connected devices. This means that IoT devices will be as ubiquitous as paying with your […]

PayPal Chargebacks: Pain-Free Payment Solutions?

PayPal has made it easier for card-not-present merchants to reach a wider customer base. No longer a fringe method of payment, PayPal is commonly used by all types of customers, regardless of their experience with online shopping. For many online consumers who maintain a balance in their PayPal accounts, paying for items with PayPal is […]

E-commerce Merchants and Fraud Detection

The good news for merchants is that there is a boom in online sales and confidence in customers to buy online. The bad news for merchants is that this boom in online sales brings with it an overwhelming amount of e-commerce and CNP fraud. Your customers are confident in both buying online safely and sometimes […]

Fraud? Or Merchant Error?

There is nothing simple about chargebacks. Managing chargebacks can require a deep level of knowledge and a vigilance for staying up to date. It’s because of this that the waters can be muddied rather quickly when you start digging into a chargeback to determine who is actually at fault. What can at first look like […]

Card Not Present Sales and Preventing Fraud

How often do you think about fraud and your business? Hopefully, it’s something that you do think about but don’t obsess about. It’s important to find the right balance between too much emphasis on a prevention strategy and being too lenient with your approach. Given the current state of today’s evolving payment landscape, your card […]